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Advertising, Social Media

A study from The Statistics Portal shows that 81%, or 1.96 billion people, are social media users, and this number is expected to rise within the next year. Social media has become so important because it delivers a virtual portal of communication for businesses to potential consumers. Through this gateway, businesses can expand their knowledge on what their customers want while receiving feedback, suggestions, and complaints.

Here are some of the ways that all businesses can benefit from utilizing social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram:

1. It shows that you are an active company
Updating and maintaining your company’s social media account on a daily basis demonstrates to potential clients that you are dynamically taking notice of their comments. This shows that you value the input of your clients and make it an everyday priority to assure that you are present on your social media page.

2. Convenience
Many customers would prefer to reach out to a company through social media rather than by phone because it is less of a hassle. By choosing to always have an employee monitoring the social media page, you are guaranteeing that all customers are noticed and will receive replies to their inquiries and comments.

3. Reputation
If consumers are satisfied with their purchases, there is a great chance that they will write about it on your social media page to encourage other buyers in the market. This is a direct advantage to your business, demonstrating your guaranteed effective product or service and potentially drawing in more customers.

4. Educating your consumers
Having a social media page is a gateway for you to elaborate on the specific services and products you are offering. It further shows that you are cultivated in your field and presents a highly professional image to your prospective purchasers.

5. Spread awareness
Social media is not only beneficial for larger companies, but for smaller companies as well. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all platforms that have millions of active users. Customers are capable of sharing posts and hashtagging, which only increases the amount of views. The chances of your company’s page getting noticed grows significantly.

A study from The Statistics Portal shows that 81%, or 1.96 billion people, are social media users and this number is expected to rise within the next year. Social media has become so important because it delivers a virtual portal of communication for businesses to potential consumers. Through this gateway, businesses can expand their knowledge on what their customers want while receiving feedback, suggestions, and complaints. Here are some of the ways that all businesses can benefit from utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram.